glass gardens


Mossikin gardens can live for a long time when tended to. Place your glass in indirect sunlight for best longevity. Turning your garden regularly will prevent algae growth. Full sun can cook your tiny garden quickly. Moss and their fellow tiny plants need just a bit of moisture to keep them happy. Mist with filtered water once a month (more if it’s looking dry, and less if it’s looking wet).

When plants begin to outgrow the glass, trim them back with small scissors or snips. To keep your tiny garden looking it’s best, pull dead leaves out gently with tweezers. At some point - months, potentially years from now - your little environment’s lifecycle will come to an end. Everything inside is natural and can be added to your compost. Then you are left with a lovely piece of glass and depending on the piece you chose, a few crystals or minerals for your collection.

Thank you for caring for your miniature world. I find their evolution fascinating and their delicate beauty sparks the imagination. When you open them up to give them a drink, inhale the lovely forest floor scent. I think it might be magic.With love,
Annaliese + Mossikin